Guppies are on the most commonly found fishes in home aquariums, because these are easy to take care of, and also in favorable conditions, they can rapidly increase their population in the tank. These freshwater fishes can give birth from 30 to 100 fry during their pregnancy.

Average lifespan of a Guppy Fish

How to increase the lifespan of guppy

The lifespan of guppies generally ranges from 2 to 3 years in most general situations. These little creatures can live longer if get proper care throughout their life. In most suitable conditions they can live as long as 5 years. This all depends on factors like food, tank, water quality and etc.

How to increase lifespan of Guppy Fish

If you are really serious and want to make your guppies live long then you should definitely have to pay more attention to taking care of these little colorful creatures roaming in your tank.

1. Food and servings

I think we all know if we want to live longer health and balanced food plays an important role in it. It's the same case with guppies. Healthy food can increase their chances of living longer than usual. But what to feed your guppy?

Guppies unlike most of other fishes can eat both plants and meat so its all on your part what you want to feed your guppy. For instance you can feed them fish flakes, normal brine shrimp, baby brine shrimp, mosquito larvae, and other such food items.

Now you know what to feed but how much to feed also has a role in the well being of guppies. To fry you can give food from 4 to 5 times a day in very small quantities, to young fishes you can feed two times a day once in the morning and other in the evening. Be sure to not waste the food only serve the amount that they can eat easily, this will prevent tank water clean and also they will not overeat the leftover food.

2. Water Quality

As humans we need fresh air to breathe and sustain our life but fishes need water to breathe and freshwater can help fishes to live longer and healthier.

As of guppies preference they can last ve in both freshwater and also in salty water. Guppies usually like hard water at neutral keep ph level of tank water around 7.0. In a 5 gallon tank you can add 1 Tablespoon of aquarium salt, don't add regular salt instead of specified as it can cause bad effects.

To go one step ahead you can invest in a water filter to be specified you should go with the 3 step water filter which can filter food waste through a mechanical filter, break ammonia through the biological filter at last chemical filter can deal with bad odor and pollutants in water. If these things are working properly but you are not regularly changing the one-third of the water per week, then your guppies have to go through a hard time living.

3. Water Temperature

It plays a significant role in increasing and decreasing the lifespan of guppies. The ideal temperature for a guppy 75 degrees, they can live in little less or more but 75 is best suited for them. In warm water, they tend to grow bigger but die early due to an increase in metabolic activities on other hand in cold water they die early due to fewer metabolic activities. So if you are having a hard time maintaining the water temperature then you should invest in a good water heater.

4. Stress

Stress is a guppy killer, these little creatures don't cope with stress so to keep them stressfree is a very vital step in achieving longer age. To minimize the stress you can invest in good lighting source and guppies also love to swim through plants you should also put some plants in the tank to make their life happier and stress-free. Giving adequate food at the proper time will help them to keep calm and healthy water and favorable water temperature will do the same.

5. Tankmates

Guppies are not very aggressive and don't confront other fishes usually so keeping them with other big fishes, which can kill the guppies will not be a good idea. Guppies could be an easy target due to their nature thus they are it is best when they have their own tank solely of them. It will also help them to grow their family.


How To Enhance Guppy's Color

How To Take Care Of Pregnant Guppy


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  2. The beautiful scenery of an aquarium at the end of your daily busyness will help bring peace of mind. If you want quality guppy fish for sale then visit the website below. Here you will get all your desired guppies.
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