How to take care of pregnant guppy

How to take care of pregnant guppy

You all guppy owners out there had this question in your mind or you still have it. So to deal with this situation today we are going to educate you about how you can take care of a pregnant guppy on your own without any worries.

Taking care of pregnant is important as if you don't fulfill your duties toward's your guppy she will never be happy with you and during pregnancy your responsibilities increases, guppies need more care during their pregnancy period from food, to surrounding, to health every relevant aspect of pregnant guppy care we will cover in today's article.


Breeding guide guppy

Food is important to sustain but during pregnancy guppies not only need food for herself but also for her fry. Due to the fact that her belly is occupied by fry, she can't eat much during this period, so you should give a small amount of food for 4 to 5 times a day to sustain and also this will make sure that the tank is not getting dirty by leftover food.


During delivery, you need two separate tanks one for the mother and another for fry. After you knew that your guppy is pregnant you can expect birth in 1 month. At the delivery time, you should put pregnant guppy in separate tank isolation her from other fishes in a community tank.

In this manner, she will get free space to give birth. As she will give birth separate her from the fry she that they be safe and don't get eaten by their mother or other fishes. Separating mom from fry also helps the mother to recover from the pregnancy and relax before you sent her again to the community tank.

If you know that the guppy is near to give birth increase the temperature in the tank and get it back to normal after she gave birth to the fry.

After Delivery

After delivery guppy care guide

Keep mother fish in a separate tank so she can recover from the pregnancy and take good care of her health by giving her healthy food.

Fry Care of guppies

Good and healthy food is also important for baby guppies. Providing them food for three to four times a day is considered a healthy count by many experts. During their first four weeks,  they grow the mast and good food plays an important rule in this.

Fry's Birth Control

Fry takes four weeks to develop their gender and two more weeks means six weeks to start breeding. To protect from unwanted breading you should separate males from females from fourth to the sixth week. You can do by placing them in clear water and by using a magnifying to spot the gravid. Pace the fishes in female's tank if they have gravid otherwise place them with males tank.

Pregnant Guppy Behavior | How to know if Guppy is Pregnant
These questions arise in every guppy owner's mind. So today we here to answer this question.
There are several behavior symptoms by which you can identify if your guppy is pregnant. Enlarged belly without feeding, behaving aggressively with other fishes, hiding behind trees and decorations in the tank. These are some of the many symptoms or behavior of pregnant guppies.

The behavior of pregnant guppy

If you guppy is showing these symptoms that mean she is pregnant.

behavior of pregnant guppy

1. Enlarge Belly

If without feeding food to her she is showing a bulge on the belly. This is the easiest to spot a and a common symptom of pregnancy also could easily be mistaken if a guppy is full due to food so be careful in this case.

behavior of pregnant guppy

2. Large Gravid

During the pregnancy the size of guppy's gravid increases and also becomes darker. In some cases, the color of gravid doesn't change especially if the color of guppy is yellow or albino.

3. Aggressiveness

In a time of pregnancy the female guppy becomes aggressive towards other fishes especially towards the males who try to mate with her. So keep your eye on your guppy and analyze if she is cool or showing aggression towards her neighbors.

pregnant guppy signs

4. Hiding

It is a common practice that is done by pregnant guppies. They try to hide from you and take advantage of trees and decorations within the tank or they just sit in the corner if not other.

5. Sitting near to warm places

Related to the above point guppies may also tend to sit and not really swimming during pregnancy. Usually they try to sit near the warm places during pregnancy like a heater or some other warm thing.

How to know if a guppy is pregnant

6. Not Really Swimming

During this time guppy constantly flexes her spine which at first glance can look like she is swimming or shivering but that's not the case. So pay attention and find out what's going on.

7. Fin Nipping

Guppies can really nip the fins during pregnancy especially if males are irritating her by trying to mate with her. Keep in check if your guppy is chasing the males to nip them or not.

8. Restlessness

Some guppies become restless if they are close to lay. In addition they can also refuse to eat and may remain swimming in a small part of the tank.

After you knew that your guppy is pregnant now you should also know how to take care of pregnant guppy.

Frequently Asked Questions About Pregnant Guppies

1. Pregnant guppy signs of delivery?
•  Guppies give many signals before they give birth. These signals include:-
Shivering, Hiding in bushes, sitting near warm places, less eating, enlarged belly, and very dark gravid spot. If your guppy is having these signs, you should be prepared for delivery within a month.

2. When to separate pregnant guppy?
• Separate pregnant guppy which she is very near to delivery like a day away from giving birth. You can identify when guppy is ready to give birth by seeing signs like sitting near the warm places of the tank.

3. How do guppies get pregnant?
• Guppies get pregnant very easily if males and females are not separated they can start breading in the sixth week of their lifetime.

4. Is my guppy pregnant or fat?
• You can easily identify if your guppy is fat or pregnant by simply checking for another sigh of pregnancy in guppy like dark color of gravid, shivering, etc.


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