Guppies are rather a small specie of fishes but they also need food to survive. Due to their size they don't need much food to sustain. Guppies are from omnivores 'class' thus they can eat whatever you feed them.  Unless you want your guppies to die to feed them proper diets.

Best food for guppy to eat

Best Food For Guppy To Eat

Flakes, hard-boiled egg yolk, mix them with live food like larvae, baby brine shrimps once or twice a week which will enhance the nutrious value of the diet. One other food item which is available in the tank is 'algae' yes, guppies can eat algae and they will just fine for short periods of time.

Live food does guppies eat

As we mentioned above live food helps in enhancing nutrients in the diet of guppies. The fact that you have to keep in mind is it can introduce diseases to your guppies. That's why you should buy live food from authentic stores whether online or offline.

Guppies really enjoys to eat baby brine shrimps. Shrimps helps in giving better colors to guppies. If that is your priority you should definitely introduce brine shrimp to the guppies. If you can grow shrimps at home then you can definitely go for the dried shrimps present in the market.

What food does baby guppies eat

Although guppy fry is small in size that doesn't mean that they eat little. In fact they can eat up to 5 to 10 times a day due to their 30 min digestion cycle. It means that they can ready to eat after every 30 mins. That doesn't mean you should feed them every 30 min time period. 5 to 10 times a day is a good and healthy diet for them.

Like their parents they can eat brine shrimp, macro worms, and mosquito larvae, etc. The only thing you have to make sure is to crush the given food in small pieces for their smallmouth.

You can also provide them live or frozen food fry will enjoy both. Food like fish flakes and fish bites can also be a good choice if crushed properly before feeding to fry. Eggs could also be given just hard boil them and crush the yolk and feed, it will provide protein which will fasten their growth process. All given above foods are essential so if you can give them all throughout the day it will provide all essential minerals and nutrients to the fry.

Best guppies food for growth and color

Everybody wants their guppies to be bigger and colorful for that there are a lot of food options present which can help you. If you are feeding guppies properly but they are not showing the results then you can try given below foods or if your guppies are not that colorful that also you should try given below foods. These fish foods are specially made for growth and color after lots of research and efforts.

Can guppies eat goldfish food?
Sure you can feed guppies goldfish food if guppies food runs out. It is fine if you feed for 1 or 2 days if you overdo this it could also harmful for the guppy.

Can guppies eat bread?
Yes, they can eat bread but you should avoid it as it can foul your tank water and also not good for guppies in the long run.

Can guppies eat human food?
Yes they can eat human food like Fruits, Vegetables but they should be crushed for easy consumption. You can rely fully on these as they may harm your guppies.


How to enhace guppy's color

How to take care of pregnant guppy

Guppies can eat brine shrimps, larve, and macro worms. Fry can also eat similar to the adults but you should crush the food before feeding. Proper nutrients and minerals are very important for fry. To enhance the growth and color you can feed guppy specially made food to do so. Finally guppies can eat goldfish food for some days. If you overfeed, it could also harm your guppy in the long run.


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