The average lifespan of a neon tetra is variable, it depends on many aspects like food, tank maintenance, and others. If you got these aspects correct your tetras will longer than average.

Neon Tetra Lifespan

Neon Tetra Lifespan

In their natural habitat, the average lifespan of a neon tetra is 8 - 10 years. If we consider aquariums then the average neon tetra lifespan is around 5 - 6 years. If you took good care of tetras then their chances of living for a longer period increase.

Average Lifespan Of Neon Tetra

The average life span of neon tetra is around 5 years in case they are living in an aquarium.

Do neon tetras die easily

Neon tetras are very sensitive to changes in their environment, thus they could die easily if not taken proper care. To avoid these deaths make the water and lighting conditions are favorable for them.

1. Water Conditions 

Neon Tetras are very sensitive to the water quality of the tank. If the quality of water is not right for the neons than it is very likely you will find them dead shortly.

2. Lighting

Another primary reason that tetras die suspiciously is light. Their natural habitat is the basins of amazon where the water streams are covered with the tree leaves which produces a dye like substance, which changes the color of the stream to slightly brownish.

This color of stream does allow much of natural light to enter the water for this reason tetras are evolved to survive in low light conditions. Like most of the other freshwater fishes, neon tetras don't like direct bright light.

So to avoid their unusual death make sure to keep them away from bright light.

3. Keep Them In School

Neon tetras survive in school. If you have less than 6 tetras there are high chances that they will die soon.

To avoid this situation make sure to at least have 6 - 10 tetras in the aquarium.

Read more: Neon Tetras Tank Maintenance Guide. This Guide will help you to increase your neon tetra lifespan.

Signs Of Abnormal Neon Tetra

Neon tetra average lifespan

Sometime tetras seem to show some abnormal signs by which we can see that something is not quite right with them. If you missed noticing these signs it may end up declining the average lifespan of your neon tetra.

1. Stress

It is the most common and most harmful sign of unhealthy tetras. Stress could cause due to many reasons, polluted water is one of them. If the water parameters of the tank are not favorable to tetras then they may die within the span of a few days.

To make sure that water quality is good for tetras follow these institutions.

(a) Do change the tank water once a week

Pro tip: tetras are sensitive to water change, so only change 25% water at one go.

(b) Check the pH (6 - 7.6) level of water regularly.

(c) Only feed the amount which tetra can eat in 2 - 3 minutes. It will reduce the amount of waste in the tank.

(d) Use high-quality fish flakes to feed tetras as it will reduce the amount of ammonia waste in the tank.

2. Restless

Neon tetra could feel restless when first introduced to a completely new environment from their natural habitat.

As we know tetras are very sensitive to the change in their environment. Sudden changes in water conditions could lead to the death of tetra.

So, in this case, keep in mind that you should not make a sudden change in their habitat.

This also applies when you fist bought home.

Don't just put them straight to your tank. Fist make sure water quality is good for them. Then slowly introduce them to their new home.

Fist let the tetra's bag float on top of the aquarium, then after 15-20 minutes add some aquarium water to the bag every 5 minutes. Repeat this process for an hour and then leave the tetras in the tank.

3. Unusual swimming

As we know tetras usually swims in the midsection of the tank. In certain conditions, they tend to stuck swimming at the top or bottom of the tank.

If you found this unusual swimming behavior in your tetra then separate it from others, in a separate bowl.

Then examine the behavior for 24hr if it does come back to normal. Then consultant with veterinary near your home.

Do Neon Tetras Play Dead

In short tetras do play dead but in some very specific circumstance.

You can find this behavior when you first introduce them to a new habitat. To avoid this try to slowly introduce them to a new habitat.

It is common if tetras play dead to new habits. It is fine if they come back to normal after 1-2 hours. If they are not coming back to normal and playing dead consistently then it a serious problem.

If this situation arises to try to check the water parameter make sure that everything is right like pH level and ammonia levels.

Short Guide Video For Neon Tetras

Tankmates Of Neon Tetra

Tetras are small fishes so they are easy targets of bullying. It is important to keep them with peaceful mates.

1. Guppy

Care Level: Beginner

Max Size: 2.4 inches

Temperature Range: 72 - 84 °F

pH Range: 7 - 7.2

Guppies are peaceful fishes they are comfortable with neons in every way possible. Their habitat requirements are similar so they go very well together.

Guppies are carnivore so that can eat both plants and animals. They are easy to take care of, so they are perfect for beginners.

They are popular for their beautiful and colorful fins. With tetras, they will make your tank a more beautiful place.

2. Mollies

Care Level: Beginner

Max Size: 3 - 6 inches

Temperature Range: 72 - 84 °F

pH Range: 7 - 7.2

Mollies are loved by everyone. They are peaceful in nature and do not pose any harm to the neon tetras. They are compatible with a wide range of temperate.

They eat several types of food making it easier to feed them in a community tank. All these similarities make them the perfect choice to be considered as neon tetras tank mate.