This is awful if your neon tetras died overnight and you even didn't know what happened and why they died.

Neon Tetras Died Within Hours

Why Neon Tetras Died Within Hours

Neon tetras are very sensitive in nature. They die within hours if the tank recruitments, water parameters are not favorable for them. Diseases could also be a trouble for them in case you don't do regular water changes.

They slowly adapt to their new habitat so try to create a tank's environment close to their natural habitat.

As they feel comfortable in the tank then you can add some additional stuff to the tank to make it more attractive for viewers.

For decorations don't have a sand bed at the bottom of the tank or don't put fake plants in tank as they can harm the delicate skin to tetras.

There are many such aspects that you have to know before you understand why your tetras die.

For the first time when you introduce the tetras to their new home first check all their recruitment.

Neon Tetra Tank Recruitments

Tetras desire a very specific type to the environment to survive. In their natural habitat (Amazon Basin Streams) their river is covered with leaves therefore extremely less light reaches them.

So they have adapted to the less lighting setup. Keeping tetras in bright light is a big mistake restrain them in darker parts or where less light reaches.

Temperature For Neon Tetras

The temperature from 74 °F to 82 °F is suitable for their survival.

If you are living in a cold region then invest in the good heater for the safety of your tetras.

Neon Tetra Water Parameters 

Tetras like slightly acidic water pH ranging from 6.0 to 7.6.

If your water parameters are not matching the tetra's requirements then invest in a pH enhancer kit and a sponge filter.

Neon Tetra Die Without School

Neon Tetras Died Overnight

If you are buying tetras try to buy the 6 or more in number (10 is recommended). As they are small in size so they could become an easy target by other big fishes in the tank so to defend themselves they should be in a big school.

Also, tetras evolved to survive in school so if you don't keep them in school then they would go in depression and stress which would only go when they die.

Neon Tetra Not Moving

Most of the time when you introduce tetras to a new habitat they get a shock. This sudden change in habitat panics them and the play dead. When everything seems fine to them they came back to swimming after some time.

Neon Tetra Laying On Bottom Of Tank

If neon tetras are stressed they cold show these types of signs. Stress could happen if the above-mentioned conditions are not satisfied properly or if your tetras have some disease.

Neon Tetra Disease

Neon tetra disease (NTD) or pleistophora disease is a common disease by which neon tetras and other fishes are commonly affected. NTD is caused by the Pleistophora hyphessobryconis. It is known for its high fatality and hard to cure nature.

The cycle of this disease starts when the microsporidian parasite spores enter the fish body when the fish eats some foul meant, other dead fish, or some live food which acts as the intermediary between fish and the parasite.

The disease is certainly preventive if take water changes are regular and no foul food is served. If in case you found any of you fish having this disease. The first thing you should quarantine that fish so that the disease could not increase further in the tank.


Restlessness: Due to the disease a feeling of restlessness rises in the fish and they follow an unusual pattern of swimming. In other cases, they would just go swim at the bottom or at the top for long periods. Usually they don swim like that.

They like to roam around the tank and usually swims at the mid of the tank.

Loss of color: Neons are known for their beautiful colors but due to this disease, they lose their color.

Other signs like lumps on the body as cysts develop, difficulty in swimming, curved spines as the disease progresses, and secondary infections like fin rot and blotting shows with time.

Treatment of neon tetra disease

The best treatment is to remove the infected fish from the tank and quarantine in another tank. Approach the closest pet doctor to consult about your problem for further help.

Other precautions you can take that if you don't have a filter installed in the tank then you should because it will significantly reduce the number of free parasites in the water.

Likewise, try to do regular water changes and feed good quality fish flakes to your neon tetras.

Neon Tetra Tank Mates

Tankmates are important to consider the average lifespan of neon tetras. If you choose good tank mater then there are chances that your tetras will live longer then average.

1. Guppies

Care Level: Beginner
Max Size of Fish: 2.4 inches
Temperature Range: 72 °F to 84 °F
pH Range: 7 to 7.2

Guppies are very popular tropical fishes that are great fishes for community tanks as they are colorful and peaceful thus they make the tank more beautiful and don't possess any harm to other fellow fishes.

They are great companions with the guppies as their requirements are mainly the same with some variations.

2. Mollies

Care Level: Beginner
Max Size of Fish: 3 to 6 inches
Temperature Range: 70 °F to 85 °F
pH Range: 6.7 to 8.5

Mollies and tetras go hand in hand very easily they have lots of similarities in their habitats. Therefore mollies are the perfect candidates for being mates with tetras in the tank.

Mollies are also beautiful and peaceful fishes. They don't create and trouble for any fishes in the tank. They manage to survive in a wide range of temperatures and eats food without any fuss.

Read More about "Neon Tetras"

1. Best Food For Neon Tetra, Feeding And Diet Guide